Monday, 23 December 2013

My Idea of Symbolism!

So I thought it would be a really good idea to design my packaging patterns that hold hidden meanings and symbolism that will promote positivity. Let me explain:
Various tree species hold many meanings and representations. For example the Banyan Tree is known as 'The World Tree' the Baobab tree is known as 'The Tree of Life' and citrus trees represent 'Energy, Fairness and Justice'
Here my list of my favourite tree species and meanings which i will draw inspiration from:

Apple - Health and Fertility In the 19th century in Germany, the first bathwater used by a new-born baby was poured over the roots of an apple tree to ensure that the child would have red checks. And if it was a girl, large breasts too!

Ash - Protection in British folklore, the Ash was credited with a range of protective and healing properties, most frequently related to child health. New-born babies were popularly given a teaspoon of Ash sap.

Baobab – The Tree of Life a deciduous tree native to Africa, the enormous trunks can hold thousands of litres of water becoming the life source for many tribes. Hence the meaning – 
“Tree of Life”.

Bay/Laurel – Earth’s calling and Glory Fragrant leaves used in cooking and beauty products.

Birch -Renewal as Birch is one of the first trees to come into leaf, it would be an obvious choice as representation of the emergence of spring. Traditionally, babies' cradles were made of Birch wood, drawing on the earlier symbolism of new beginnings

Cedar - Wisdom and Strength

Cherry - Beauty and Purity  Emerging evidence links cherries to many important health benefits – from helping to ease the pain of arthritis and gout, to reducing risk factors for heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Cherries also contain melatonin, which has been found to help regulate the body’s natural sleep patterns, aid with jet lag, prevent memory loss and delay the ageing process.

Citrus - Energy, Fairness and Justice Lemons, grapefruits, oranges, and other citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts.

Eucalyptus - Restoring Balance and Increasing Vitality

Linden – Healing and Peace Large deciduous trees with fine serrated lime leaves and creamy yellow flowers that are a great source of nectar to bees

Myrtle – Unity

Oak - Bravery and Power the Major Oak in Sherwood Forest is purported to be the tree where Robin Hood and his Merry Men hatched their plots, and is now a popular tourist attraction.

Poplar – Protection and Courage

Totara – Respect Totara symbolises respect from the Maori fable about the Totara tree being cut down by Rata to build a Waka (canoe) without asking the forest for permission. Overnight the birds and creatures of the forest rebuilt the tree until Rata realised he had to ask for permission to cut down the tree and respect the forest.

Willow - Freedom and Harmony Willow's ability to quickly regrow a new tree by merely pushing a healthy branch cutting into the soil (even upside down!), has come to symbolise renewal, growth, vitality and immortality in other parts of the world such as China.

Walnut Intellect and Confidence
Walnuts are believed to be good for our mental health. A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds are on the nut just like the neo-cortex. We now know that Walnuts help develop over 3 dozen neuro-transmitters for brain function.

All text information can be found at:

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